Saturday -What's New?

Margo M.
on 3/28/08 2:21 pm - Elyria, OH
technically it IS after midnite so.....grab your favorite cup of something hot and tell us all about what's new with you...i'll be checking back much later cuz i am going back to bed...if roxie will let me have my pillow! oh---a big thanx to susan for getting my new avatar up ...i love the fact that i actually helped this time by scanning the photo--tada!!!!!!!!! i'd like to thank my mother, and my husband, my children, my dog roxie, callie cat and ...oh...sorry!!!!!!     i thought you were bringing me an award!!!! now i's a big shepherd's hook..........................
Brenda R.
on 3/28/08 3:35 pm - Portage, IN
You make me laugh, Margo. I guess it is Saturday since it is 12:17 a.m. I am getting tired and I think I will be going to bed soon. This is the latest that I have been up for quite a long time. I use to be a night person but not so much now. I think that the reason I am up now is because I took a half hour nap this afternoon. I should know that is a no no. Bill is sleeping the recliner. He snores but he swears he doesn't. According to him he never sleeps either. He just lays and stares at the wall all night. He looks like he gets sleep but then again what do I know?!  Sometimes he is so goofy! I am hoping that Bill and I go out for dinner tonight. I really want to go to the new Mexican restaurant in town. I don't know the name of it but I have heard from several people that it has very good food. All I know is that it is in the former Pizza Hut building. At least I know where it is.  I am finally going to get to see the movie Juno tonight. It is playing at the theatre in Hobart the little town by us. They have this old movie theatre that reminds me of the one we use to have in the town I was raised in. I just love it there. It even smells old, though I am not to crazy about that! It has the old fancy wallpaper on the walls and the velvet seats. To top off the great memories it is only $3.50 a person to get in. Bill likes to get the popcorn and that is only a dollar. The old man that owns it is in his 90's and he sits at the door and takes your tickets. You get the tickets at the counter outside of the building. I just think it is great there. The guy who owns it just sits and talks to everyone and on Mother's day he gives out flowers to all of the mothers. He is just a sweetie.  The weather is suppose to start getting better in the next few days. It sounds like it is going to be more spring like and I can't wait for that. I have wanted spring to be here before winter even started and it seems like this winter has been exceptionally long this year. I thinkt that is because it started to snow so early. We had our first snow the beginning of November and it hasn't stopped since. When I went out to go to the office this morning I had to chisel off snow and ice off the car.  I suppose I better get going and get to bed. I am getting so tired that I keep making mistakes while I type and so that is telling me it is time. I will chat with you all later on. I hope that you all have a happy and blessed day doing whatever you choose to do. Take care and I send you all big hugs and lots of love.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


karen C.
on 3/29/08 12:41 am - Kennewick, WA
Brenda, Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Sounds just like our old Benton Theatre that is long gone!! We used to walk to the movies on Friday nights as kids. . . .It was such a small, safe place then. My mom was very protective so I know that it was ok! Wouldn't even walk myself there at night time these days! I can smell the popcorn, hear the squeek of the seats and the old wooden armrests. The back few rows in our theatre (under the balcony) had rocking seats! We called those the "sweetheart seats.) Never wanted to sit just under the front of the balcony. The boys could think of all kinds of things to hurt down on the unsuspecting heads below! Thanks again, Karen C

Karen C

on 3/28/08 4:28 pm - Bradenton, FL
Margo, What new avitar!!!!! I cant see it!!!!! I catnt sleep or see as I dont ahve my glasses on so my typing wont be as good as it usually is!!!!! Today I am off thank my strs cause I am tired!!!!! I had a busy day yesterday after a dead week!!!!! I did color and haircuts nonstop!!!!! I had almost a 300.00 day!!!! Today I am getting ready to go and meet up with Laureen. I cant wait. Carla
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(deactivated member)
on 3/28/08 9:01 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Carla, you gotta hit 'refresh' and it will come up.  I couldnt' see it either until I did it. Janet
on 3/28/08 5:17 pm - Manteca, CA
It's a little after midnight in CA and I'm getting ready for bed. Tomorrow we start painting several rooms in the house. After getting the bathrooms remodeled the rest of the house looked shabby! But the money for renovations is gone, so we will be doing some things on our own until I can save up some more money. Painting will make a big difference. We're having a birthday party for our daughter in 2 weeks so we have a deadline. It's been a while since we've had a party- this will be fun!
on 3/28/08 5:20 pm - Tucson, AZ
Hey Margo, Great new pic.  Today I had my "Last Supper." My dh and I went to Red Lobster and I had my king crab legs and mashed potatos.  Ya know, it wasn't all that satisfying. Funny huh? I just think that I'm ready to get this show on the road.  So tomorrow,(today) I start my liquid diet, with a little bit of lean protein.  I don't think it's going to be that bad. I may be wrong, I know, I know you can't believe that, but it's true. I may be whining all over this site this week.  I hope not. I don't consider myself a whiner, but one  never knows, do one. The house is nice and quiet, everybody's asleep in their little beds, I love this time of night, when I get a few minutes to myself.  I think I'll let the dog out one more time, grab my book, and go read in bed.  Night, night.


Margo M.
on 3/29/08 12:35 am - Elyria, OH
oh reggie--i so understand about just getting the show on the orad!! and ,,if ya need to whine--do it! we are here--all of us...this is the official whining board ... of course; you may get some extra hugs outta the deal!!!hehe!!!
annette R.
on 3/28/08 6:44 pm - ithaca, NY
  <<<---- For Margo You are lovely Margo, I can't wait to hug you in person. I had just walked in the door after work to hear the phone ringing. It was my daughter Mary. She said "Come get your granddaughter NOW!!"  Darling Melanie was on a rip - she had been in 'time-out' three times after her nap and was in danger of being put in the dog kennel. She had bitten Matthew, Mary and I'm not sure exactly what else. I could hear total chaos in the background. As I walked in their home, Matthew and Melanie came running for kisses. Mary looked as if she had been in a wrestling match. I asked Melanie to get her shoes and jacket so we could go out, go shopping and see Poppa. No problems, she did it. As we were leaving she kissed Matthew and Mary, sweetly said "I love you Momma". Mary had a dazed look and asked where the heck I got THAT nice child. Melanie and Annie have similar personalities. Both are loving, fun, with a whole bunch of devil thrown in the mix. And, they both bite! I love it. There is a golf course near our home. Tom is spending the day with a group of friends, getting it opened and ready for the season. Wishful thinking on their part because the snow is still quite deep. He invited me along but I don't golf, have no interest, and must get my Pittsburgh stuff together. Nice of him to ask anyway.  Kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 3/28/08 10:29 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Annette If the weather in your neck of NY is anything like mine, that dog kennel would have been a little chilly.  At least if her little teeth were chattering, she wouldn't have been able to bite as hard..... (You know I'm kidding, right????) It's great that Grandma can come over and give MOM a little sorely needed time out! Candy


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